After quite some time, here is an update!

In SuperTuxKart, I have grown to like doing Grand Prix with

  1. 19 AI opponents
  2. Lots of races (for example, all of them and only 1 lap each)

This has sometimes lead to confusion during the race as to who my direct opponents were and who harmless flies. So I did what any sane person would do and dug in the source code to add it myself of course.

Before you get started, you will need a shiny up to date version straight from the STK svn repo, for which I conveniently present you with an earlier post. After you have gone through all that, it is time to dive in.

Note, I will use $STK_HOME to refer to the directory that is the repo clone. Which will be, if you followed my earlier post, /opt/supertuxkart/stk. Open the file $STK_HOME/src/states_screens/race_gui.cpp in your favourite text editor and look for this part in the code

    if (info[kart_id].m_text.size() > 0)
        video::SColor color = video::SColor(255,
            (int)(255*info[kart_id].b)   );
        core::rect<s32> pos(x+ICON_PLAYER_WIDTH, y+5,
            x+ICON_PLAYER_WIDTH, y+5);
        core::stringw s=info[kart_id].m_text.c_str();

        font->draw(s.c_str(), pos, color, false, false, NULL, true /* ignore RTL */);

    if (info[kart_id].special_title.size() > 0)
        static video::SColor color = video::SColor(255, 255, 0, 0);
        core::rect<s32> pos(x+ICON_PLAYER_WIDTH, y+5,
            x+ICON_PLAYER_WIDTH, y+5);
        core::stringw s(info[kart_id].special_title.c_str());
        font->draw(s.c_str(), pos, color, false, false, NULL, true /* ignore RTL */);

Before this part in the code, add

    if (race_manager->getMajorMode() == RaceManager::MAJOR_MODE_GRAND_PRIX
        && info[kart_id].m_text.size() == 0)
        video::SColor color = video::SColor(255,
            (int)(255*info[kart_id].b)   );
        core::rect<s32> pos(x+ICON_PLAYER_WIDTH, y+5,
            x+ICON_PLAYER_WIDTH, y+5);
        char s[16];
        sprintf(s, "%d (%d)", race_manager->getKartGPRank(kart_id) + 1, race_manager->getKartScore(kart_id));

        font->draw(s, pos, color, false, false, NULL, true /* ignore RTL */);

Next open $STK_HOME in a terminal and make again. You will now have in game information similar to this picture (format is Rank (Points)).

Showing GP rank information in STK.